Question about SetObjectMaterial

Hey, I was trying to retexture a few objects using textures from vehicles for example the Medical Department sign on the ambulance. So I got the names of the textures using TXD workshop and I used the ID of the vehicle as model ID.
My code is something like this.
SetObjectMaterial(object, 0,  407, "firetruck", "lsfd92badge64", 0);
The texture of the object did not change at all. So I was wondering if I am doing something wrong or is it just impossible. And if not then are there any objects that have logos of PD, FD etc.. on them? Thanks for helping.

the name of txd is firetruk

This function only works on objects not vehicles lol.

Yes, he's trying to extract the texture from a vehicle to apply it to an object. I doubt it would work though, as they are separate entities. The LV police department has some police shield logos on it, but I don't think there's any star-of-life kind of texture in SA at all.

Yeah what Vince explained is what I am talking about. I did play around with that function a bit more but nothing seems to work. I strongly believe it is not possible now. Thanks for helping.

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