Make your SA-MP vote!

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): The matrix stuntings
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: Serverffs
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Ladmin4v2
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Kye,Developer
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: Saif, LuxurioN
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: Kick(playerid);
Best SA-MP killer: N/A
Best SA-MP driver: N/A
Best SA-MP pilot: N/A
Favourite SA-MP player: Elmin
Best SA-MP friend: Saif
Favourite SA-MP clan: [xXx]
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Ak47, UZI
Favourite city in San Andreas: SF
Favourite SA-MP skin: 56
Best thing about SA-MP: Yee. big amount of players

Favourite SA-MP server: Italy Mafia Roleplay
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: ServerFFS
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Italy Mafia GM
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Andrei_Korsakov
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: Noone.
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: ban(playerid)
Best SA-MP killer: [JoK3R]
Best SA-MP driver: Luigi_Barzini
Best SA-MP pilot: Shawn_Griffin
Favourite SA-MP player: Vinicio_Barzini/Shawn Griffin
Best SA-MP friend: Nino Barzini
Favourite SA-MP clan: Barzini <3
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Deagle/sniper/M4
Favourite city in San Andreas: Las Venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin: 126/186
Best thing about SA-MP: Roleplay.

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name):SFC_clan freeroam/dm server
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: server ffs
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever:LVA
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Lucifer Under
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder:Bayler
Favourite SA:MP PAWN function: N/A
Best SA-MP killer: SFC_Ricardo
Best SA-MP driver: SFC_Kenny
Best SA-MP pilot: hmmm [SAP]andy
Favourite SA:MP player: many XD
Best SA-MP friend: all my SFC friends
Favourite SA-MP clan: SFC clan
3 favourite weapons in San Andreaspas, m4, deagle
Favourite city in San Andreas:Las venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin: woozie
Best thing about SA-MP: nice game, lots you can do (not only dm also rp, stunt, clanwars etc...)

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): Stunts Forever (mine lol)
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: ServerFFS
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Ladmin4v2
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Kye!
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: Don Corelli!
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN , "You Are An Idiot");
Best SA-MP killer: [SF]Mat101 (me)
Best SA-MP driver: i dont know
Best SA-MP pilot: i dont know
Favourite SA-MP player: Matite
Best SA-MP friend: Chickenz, IanDaCj
Favourite SA-MP clan: [SF]
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Minigun
Favourite city in San Andreas: Los Santos
Favourite SA-MP skin: CJ id 0
Best thing about SA-MP: Lots Of Players in server and Scripting..!

Favourite SA-MP server : GamerX, Mini Games
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: None
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Seif's Body Part Detection
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Kye
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: Y_Less
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: Ban(playerid);
Best SA-MP killer: None
Best SA-MP driver: Kass1K
Best SA-MP pilot: None
Favourite SA-MP player: Me
Best SA-MP friend: None
Favourite SA-MP clan: None
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Deagle, Combat shotgun, Sniper
Favourite city in San Andreas: San Fierro
Favourite SA-MP skin: ID 108
Best thing about SA-MP: pwno

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): ArgonathRPG.
Favourite SA-MP Server Host:
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever:
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester:
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder:
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function:
Best SA-MP killer:
Best SA-MP driver: Meeeeee man!
Best SA-MP pilot: Lustigkurre from ArgonathRPG. *******: Lustigkurre lands AT-400 at GS9
Favourite SA-MP player:
Best SA-MP friend: My only friends are the ants on the streets of SA.
Favourite SA-MP clan: Corleone. Duuude, it exists everywhere.
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: 9mm, Deagle, Shotgun.
Favourite city in San Andreas: LS.
Favourite SA-MP skin: Rockabilly skins.
Best thing about SA-MP: FUN!

Favourite SA-MP server: uniQue Roleplay/Stunt
Favourite SA-MP Server Host:ServerFFS/Icon Hosting
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever:uniQue Roleplay
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester:dugi
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder:Aaron/Anwix
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function:Ban(playerid);
Best SA-MP killer:Me
Best SA-MP driver:Aaron/Anwix
Best SA-MP pilot:Aaron/Anwix
Favourite SA-MP player:Wockets
Best SA-MP friend:Reaper/Aaron/Anwix
Favourite SA-MP clan:uniQue Roleplay/Stunt
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas:M4, Desert Eagle, Sawn-Off
Favourite city in San Andreas:Las Venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin:Whore Skin
Best thing about SA-MP:Pawn

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): SFR, A/D servers, and GTAT
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: ServerFFS
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Deadly Comb A/D
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: KYE
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: [U]214
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: idk
Best SA-MP killer: Me
Best SA-MP driver: me
Best SA-MP pilot: me
Favourite SA-MP player: [Sy]DR3AD
Best SA-MP friend: [DIS]Criminal
Favourite SA-MP clan: [DIS] and the big pro ubercrue clans
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: walking weps + c bug
Favourite city in San Andreas: Sf
Favourite SA-MP skin: 134
Best thing about SA-MP: A/D Cws and TDM

Favourite SA-MP server: Clear Water City ROLEPLAY, my server and several deathmatches.
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: Home dedicated servers <3
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Ignitions Streamer and Mostly the y_less inc's
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Kye
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: [nB]Pro420
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: TimeConvert(seconds); - thats just one but i have heaps more.
Best SA-MP killer: [nB]Powers
Best SA-MP driver: [iDG]Jade
Best SA-MP pilot: People from area 51 war servers
Favourite SA-MP player: [iDG]Jade
Best SA-MP friend: [nB]Pro420
Favourite SA-MP clan: [nB]
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Sawn-Offs, deagle and sniper.
Favourite city in San Andreas: Las venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin: Dwayne
Best thing about SA-MP: The amount of glitches i can do for deathmatching lols.

Favourite SA-MP server: San Andreas Pilots & Server For Pilots
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: ServerFFS
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: FDM 1.3
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: None
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: none
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: none
Best SA-MP killer: Hackers lol
Best SA-MP driver: [COD]Seaking66
Best SA-MP pilot: Me!
Favourite SA-MP player: Griffo89 (Maker of Awesome Stuntages)
Best SA-MP friend: [COD]Seaking66
Favourite SA-MP clan: SAP
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Mini-gun AK-47 Sniper
Favourite city in San Andreas: Las Venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin: Pilot
Best thing about SA-MP: Ability to modify the gamemodes and actually have gamemodes

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): Mine
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: serverffs
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: streamer,mysql,sscanf
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: IDK any
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: y_less
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: Ban(playerid);
Best SA-MP killer: [HiC]TheKiller
Best SA-MP driver: Me
Best SA-MP pilot: idk
Favourite SA-MP player: I dont favorite playerz.
Best SA-MP friend: Dont favorite friends. all equal.
Favourite SA-MP clan: your answer
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: sawn,max10,RPG
Favourite city in San Andreas: LS
Favourite SA-MP skin: 294 WOOZIE
Best thing about SA-MP: Banning people.

< Removed >

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): N/A
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: Volt Host
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Well, Its not released
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Kye
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: AnthonyX3
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: N/A
Best SA-MP killer: N/A I dont really play DM
Best SA-MP driver: Me
Best SA-MP pilot: Me
Favourite SA-MP player: Me
Best SA-MP friend: AvI
Favourite SA-MP clan: Im not sure...
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Silenced Pistol, Desert Eagle, M4
Favourite city in San Andreas: Los Santos
Favourite SA-MP skin: ID 124
Best thing about SA-MP: Whats not the best!?

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): Project Reality Roleplay (PR-RP Administrator)
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: ServerFFS
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever:

- Gamemode: Raven's Roleplay (LA-RP edit)
- Filterscript: Some awesome speedometer I saw.
- Include: Gotta be dini, dutils, utils etc.

Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Krisk
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: y_less
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: OnPlayerCommandText
Best SA-MP killer: Freshkilla
Best SA-MP driver: Benne
Best SA-MP pilot: Benne
Favourite SA-MP player: Daniel June (He's playing to much of this game)
Best SA-MP friend: Snowman (PR-RP)
Favourite SA-MP clan: Got no idea
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Deagle, M4, Spray can to annoy people.
Favourite city in San Andreas: Los Santos
Favourite SA-MP skin: Skin ID 284
Best thing about SA-MP: The fact that we're not the biggest gaming community, but we're at 20.000 players.

Favourite My Server xD (don't put the IP of the server, just name):..:::True Gang Wars:::..
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: Serverffs Host
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Custom one
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Many people
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: (other than me) Many
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: SendClientMessage(playerid, Message); wat is this lol ?
Best SA-MP killer: kye (mini-gun exicutions)
Best SA-MP driver: Mr Piolot
Best SA-MP pilot: [Gx]james
Favourite SA-MP player: Regular Players
Best SA-MP friend: [Gx]Zeta
Favourite SA-MP clan: Gamingx Community
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Mini-Gun, FlameThrower, Knife
Favourite city in San Andreas: Las Venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin: [113] Mafia Boss
Best thing about SA-MP: Mass Gaming
Worst thing about SA-MP: The worlds Finest noobs found here

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): NoV, GamerX, Awesome Stuntages, City of Saints RP.
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: ServerFFS
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Really don't know
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Dev: Kalcor (I don't know about spookie), Beta Tester: Zamaroht (he's a really good admin in spanish section)
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: Y_Less and DracoBlue, awesome scripters.
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: All functions are cool.
Best SA-MP killer: [MOB]4clypzz
Best SA-MP driver: Garu (a friend)
Best SA-MP pilot: Don't know
Favourite SA-MP player: Don't know
Best SA-MP friend: I really haven't a best SA-MP friend, but I think: Xenowort, The_Chaoz, CristianTdj, Garu.
Favourite SA-MP clan: [MOB] rocks.
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Desert Eagle, M4, SPAZ-12
Favourite city in San Andreas: 1st Los Santos, 2nd San Fierro, 3rd Las Venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin: 287, 287
Best thing about SA-MP: You can make your own gamemode, with a lot of features (too much thanks to the development team for make it possible )

Favourite SA-MP server: My own server
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: N/A
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: N/A
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: Kalcor / Kye
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: N/A
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: SendClientMessage
Best SA-MP killer: N/A
Best SA-MP driver: Myself
Best SA-MP pilot: N/A
Favourite SA-MP player: N/A
Best SA-MP friend: N/A
Favourite SA-MP clan: N/A
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: AK47, MP5, Colt45
Favourite city in San Andreas: Las Venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin: 250
Best thing about SA-MP: Big amount of players.

Favourite SA-MP server: Established RolePlayers
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: ServerFFS
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: Mix GM of LARP, GF. [ If it is good ]
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: All Is The Same IMO
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: [SVRPG]Falcon
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: Ban(playerid);
Best SA-MP killer: N/A
Best SA-MP driver: Myself [ IMO ]
Best SA-MP pilot: N/A
Favourite SA-MP player: N/A
Best SA-MP friend: [SVRPG]Falcon
Favourite SA-MP clan: N/A
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: M4,MP5,Desert Eagle
Favourite city in San Andreas: County [ RC and BC ]
Favourite SA-MP skin: ID 59
Best thing about SA-MP: Unique Script of RP server

Favourite SA-MP server : Bone County Roleplay
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: Delux Host
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: zGaming Roleplay,Samp Map editor,Ipleo's TextDraw Editor..
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: None
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: Y_less?
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function:
and some more..
Best SA-MP killer: No idea,never played on Stunting e.t.c
Best SA-MP driver: Same ^^
Best SA-MP pilot: Same ^^
Favourite SA-MP player: Not sure...
Best SA-MP friend: None yet...
Favourite SA-MP clan:
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Rocket Launcher and Grenade...
Favourite city in San Andreas: Fort Carson(It's a town tho')
Favourite SA-MP skin: 170
Best thing about SA-MP: Actually....everything.

Favourite SA-MP server (don't put the IP of the server, just name): CrazyBob's
Favourite SA-MP Server Host: GForce Server (Thanks to Infinity for bringing me awareness about ServerFFS)
Favourite SA-MP gamemode/filterscript/include/plugin/whatever: YSI
Favourite SA-MP Developer/Global Moderator/Beta Tester: dugi
Favourite SA-MP scripter/coder: Z3r0h
Favourite SA-MP PAWN function: SetPlayerFacingAngel
Best SA-MP killer: uL SHEN
Best SA-MP driver: Can't be decided
Best SA-MP pilot: Can't be decided
Favourite SA-MP player: Vince
Best SA-MP friend: Luka
Favourite SA-MP clan: Urbano Legendo
3 favourite weapons in San Andreas: Sawn off - M4 - Pump Shotgun
Favourite city in San Andreas: Las Venturas
Favourite SA-MP skin: No. 230
Best thing about SA-MP: Nothing

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