18.03.2015, 14:29
Последний раз редактировалось HY; 20.03.2015 в 13:22.

- DYNAMIC BUYING VEHICLES - Simply buying vehicles from dealership, by typing: /buycar.
- DYNAMIC SELLING VEHICLES - Simply selling vehicles with command: /sell, you'll receive half from default price.
- DEFAULT/CUSTOM PRICE - There's a price for all vehicles, you can change it from top of script, line 9.
- LOCKING/UNLOCKING VEHICLE SYSTEM - Lock/unlock your vehicle. Check commands in-game: /vhelp.
- PARKING VEHICLE - Every player can choose a place on map where his/her car will be spawned: /park.
- CHANGING COLOR - Car will be spawned with color white, you can change it with command: /color.
- DEALERSHIP CREATED WITH TEXTDRAWS - Dealership, /buycar it's made in totallity with Textdraws.
- CURENTLY ADDED 5 CARS - Infernus, Banshee, Cheetah, Sultan, NRG-500.
- SAVING/LOADING SYSTEM - System it's havin' an in-built saving/loading system, with Dini. Really sorry, will update it on Y_Ini.
- HY - Creating/scripting this system, creating this thread.
- ****** - For sscanf plugin & include.
- Zeex - For fast command proccesor.
- Dracoblue - For dini.inc. Sorry for Dini, I think I'll update it to Y_Ini.
- SA-MP - Self explanatory, without sa-mp we couldn't create/share our filterscripts.
Comands can be seen in-game with command: /vhelp.

- No bugs has been found so far.
- NOTE: If you find any bugs, please report it on this thread, or send me a private message.
- Pastebin;
- Solidfiles;