
Hey, i use Anticheat codes under 'onplayerupdate' but sounds like its lagging the server, anyway can i use a timer instead of onplayerupdate ? will it lag ? thx in advance

Timers are a lot more efficient than using OnPlayerUpdate, you can make a repeating timer to check for cheaters like this:
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    SetTimer("MyPublic", 1000, true);
    return 1;

forward MyPublic();
public MyPublic()
    // Code
This will create a timer executing the code in MyPublic every second, 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

Okay thanks, there is one more thing I got textdraws in my server but if a player quits it flash ( disappear & then appear) is there something wrong ? i guess my code is right as it appear onplayerspawn and disappear onplayerquit or ongamemodeexit,

PS:- im using random messages in it could it be the reason of that ?

Anyone ?

Sorry, without code related to that TD we can't help.

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