17.03.2015, 02:03
Last edited by X337; 23/05/2015 at 09:58 AM.

Hy all, today i make Vehicle Ownership System that used MySQL as saving system.
This is basic vehicle system, so you can easily edit and add more features what you want.
- Saved Vehicle System
- Sell Vehicle To Server
- GPS System to locate your car (thanks to Fj0rtizFredde)
- Sell Vehicle To Players
- Vehicle Control Panel
- For more features you can view pictures in attachments
- First, you need to define your Database info
- To change dealership pos, you need to change dealX, dealY, dealZ variables
- If you have any problems when compile it, you can ask question in this thread 
- Another instruction in script

Pastebin (Bad Indentation)
SQL File

* The pictures in attachment below, hope you like it!
This is basic vehicle system, so you can easily edit and add more features what you want.
- Saved Vehicle System

- Sell Vehicle To Server
- GPS System to locate your car (thanks to Fj0rtizFredde)
- Sell Vehicle To Players
- Vehicle Control Panel
- For more features you can view pictures in attachments

- First, you need to define your Database info
#define HOST "Your Host" #define USER "root" #define PASSWORD "********" #define DBNAME "Database Name"
Float:dealX = -1663.640014, Float:dealY = 1208.253662, Float:dealZ = 7.254645

- Another instruction in script

Pastebin (Bad Indentation)
SQL File