08.03.2015, 16:34
When a player disconnects from my server then reconnects his stats all go to 0 except his password and level and he also spawns in BlueBerry not where he logged off, why?
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { new INI:File = INI_Open( user_account_path ( playerid ) ); INI_SetTag(File, "statistics" ); INI_WriteInt(File, "Level", GetPlayerScore( playerid ) ); INI_WriteInt(File, "Admin", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pAdmin ]); INI_WriteInt(File, "RespectPoints", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pConnectTime ]); INI_WriteInt(File, "Registered", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pReg ]); INI_WriteInt(File, "Gender", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pSex ]); INI_WriteInt(File, "Age", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pAge ]); INI_WriteInt(File, "Cash", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pCash ]); INI_WriteInt(File, "Tutorial", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pTut ]); INI_WriteInt(File, "Job", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJob ]); INI_WriteInt(File, "Tutorial", Tutorial[playerid]); INI_Close(File); Tutorial[playerid] = 0; } return 1; }