[FilterScript] Hotrod Minigun

Hi there,

I don't release stuff that often because it's either not finished, or I don't find it release-ready, and I've got quite a bunch of unreleased projects which are unfinished.

However, I decided to finish this little script as it didn't take that much effort and I personally like it

What is this?

Basically it's this vehicle with 2 miniguns attached onto it on the front.

Let me give you some pictures.

You can shoot with it by pressing LMB(Left Mouse Button), it damages any player/(un)occupied vehicle within a certain range infront of the vehicle.

Made a bunch of defines so you guys can play around with it abit and see if you can find a better accuracy than I have in this script.

pawn Код:
#define     MAX_VEHICLE_SHOOT_DISTANCE  5.0    // maximum distance a hotrod can shoot another vehicle
#define     MAX_PLAYER_SHOOT_DISTANCE   5.0    // maximum distance a hotrod can shoot a player
#define     DISTANCE_FROM_VEHICLE       10.0    // distance away from the car infront of the car

#define     PLAYER_HEALTH_LOSS                  5.0     // amount of health a player loses when someone shoots him with a hotrod
#define     OCCUPIED_VEHICLE_HEALTH_LOSS        75.0    // amount of health an occupied vehicle loses when someone shoots it with a hotrod
#define     UNOCCUPIED_VEHICLE_HEALTH_LOSS      125.0   // amount of health an unoccupied vehicle loses when someone shoots it with a hotrod
There's 1 command, /hotrod, which simply spawns a hotrod and puts you inside it, all hotrods are destroyed on filterscript exit.

You can also remotely create a hotrod from your gamemode or from any script, aslong as this script is loaded, with the following code:
pawn Код:
CallRemoteFunction( "CreateHotrod", "iffff", playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot );
// CreateHotrod returns the vehicleid of the hotrod
My dropbox

****** -> foreach
Zeex -> zcmd
Incognito -> streamer

Looks quiet nice, not a bad job.

Hmm simple but good job mate for your try =)!

lol thats awesome ! +rep

Like it!

For your (low) level of expertise, it's ok. Even though not trustful, as you've stolen your other releases. Nice try.

It's nice, but it reminds me of James Bond. It's probably also OP as fuck, lmao.

Originally Posted by Crayder
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For your (low) level of expertise, it's ok. Even though not trustful, as you've stolen your other releases. Nice try.
What? What do you mean? I haven't stolen anything asfar as I know.
If I have, please tell me. It's not my intention to steal anything.

Either way, everything I released I scripted myself, except for a few small functions made by southclaw, I gave him credits for that though, he even gave me those functions himself on IRC when I asked him about some stuff regarding those functions.

@Cookland, you can change the amount of damage the guns do, you can also increase the timer's delay, it's currently called 5 times a second if I'm correct, if you increase it it'll do less damage per second, if you edit the damage it does by changing the defined values it'll be even less OP.

I tried to make this as editable as possible so it can fit anyone's needs

Originally Posted by Crayder
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For your (low) level of expertise, it's ok. Even though not trustful, as you've stolen your other releases. Nice try.
Congratulations boy, You have successfully unlocked the achievement "Spoil the thread".

O.T: Pretty neat work, I suggest you not to use it on the vehicle because many times the camera stucks into it.

Originally Posted by iAnonymous
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Congratulations boy, You have successfully unlocked the achievement "Spoil the thread".

O.T: Pretty neat work, I suggest you not to use it on the vehicle because many times the camera stucks into it.
Yea I know, but it doesn't seem to bug on the current offsets

Asfar as I know it usually bugs if you place objects near/on the door(s) or on the roof of the vehicle(close positions to the player itself when driving the vehicle)

Lol, I thought I clicked on a different thread, from someone who has stolen and released things as their own. Didn't realise I was on your's until now.

Nice One

Originally Posted by Crayder
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Lol, I thought I clicked on a different thread, from someone who has stolen and released things as their own. Didn't realise I was on your's until now.
Alright, glad you pointed that out, I don't like being called things I am not

Superb! +rep

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