Getting vehicle driver seat (or even driver door) position?

If I wanted to get the coords of a vehicle seat, would it be the same as:

pawn Code:
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetVehicleModelInfo(vInfo[i][vModel], VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONTSEAT, x, y, z);
distance = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playerid, vInfo[i][vLastX] + x, vInfo[i][vLastY] + y, vInfo[i][vLastZ] + z);
Because right now, I'm still getting LastX, LastY, and LastZ as my coords returned.

Is there a way to get the driver seat position of a model?

ANOTHER question: I remember seeing somewhere something that could remove vehicle icons on the minimap. I dont remember where, however. How is this possible?



2- It's not possible. No server hides them. Some servers just don't have vehicles

VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONTSEAT // Position of the front seat*
[*]: These values are calculated from the center of the vehicle.

Which means that it'll give very low values, seen as it returns the values of the center of the vehicle to the front seat, instead of the front seat on the world map.

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, why do you want to get the position of the front seat anyway?

Originally Posted by Smileys
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VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONTSEAT // Position of the front seat*
[*]: These values are calculated from the center of the vehicle.

Which means that it'll give very low values, seen as it returns the values of the center of the vehicle to the front seat, instead of the front seat on the world map.

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, why do you want to get the position of the front seat anyway?
It may sound strange, but I'm checking to see if a player is in range of the door, so that when they use door cmds (such as /vlock, for example) a client message will read "<player> sticks the key into the door lock and twists to unlock the door."

The issue is that my current design (simply getting a vehicles position) is too far from the door on some vehicles.

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