ShowPlayerMarkers & LimitPlayerMarkerRadius bug ?

Is it just me or is ' LimitPlayerMarkerRadius ' useless ?
Fact is that if i want the markers to 'show' i would need to set ShowPlayerMarkers at streamed or global.
But i also want the markers shown at a limited range so thats where LimitPlayerMarkerRadius comes in handy.
However...when i combine these 2 functions only showplayermarkers seem to work.
pawn Код:
I also tried using LimitPlayerMarkerRadius only but it seems both functions do need eachother.
Somehow its not possible to make LimitPlayerMarkerRadius work right.

Please reply if you know whats going on.

So does anyone know what is causing that it wont work ?
I found a post somewhere from a guy who had the same problem.
His post has been left unanswered either since 2014.


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