How to keep my server online?

Hello my friends, my name is Olowan, my real name is Harvey. I have created a server named Crysralisis Roleplay and I don't know how to keep it online, it only works when I run the file "Samp Server" and I am asking how to keep it online without portforward, if anyone knows please answer it. Very thanks .

You can't unless you wanna keep the computer on the whole time. If you wanna keep it up 24/7 buy a host or VPS.

you will need static IP in that case

Just buy a normal 24/7 host or a VPS. If not, keep your computer online the whole time(not recommended).

Buying a VPS will be cheaper than buying a game server.

Yes VPS is Cheaper but Un-Managed so u can use free hosts like mine see my signature
or and more..

u can get a free vps later at ( it is closed atm becoz they dont have ips.)

Request one server at my host

50 slots for life.

it is linux based..

with all the plugins .so so if u need help on uploading and creating a server whereever u r gona

u can skype me "********:r.nar12345"

Have a Nice Day.

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