How to open amx files

Hello, How i can open .amx files to pwn?

check this

But can i ask u why u need this? //Optional Question

you can't open this

Originally Posted by Humza
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check this

But can i ask u why u need this? //Optional Question
I have Mapping on my server i need to remove some map and i can't find the pwn file

Did you check your recycling bin or try searching for it via the search bar in the start menu?

The amx holds compiled machinecode while your pwn holds the actual source-code we understand.

It's like asking how to convert a .exe file to human readable text.

You can't decompile it.
And if it was possible, you would only see memory-addresses for your variables and functions, the actual name is gone.

You can't. How-ever: there are ways to get the mapping codes which I won't really say. And, DeAMX doesn't really work.

@Hamza - Download link won't work

The download link works, it'll send you to 4shared where you can download it, you're probably clicking something wrong.
Although DeAMX doesn't work very well, it get's confused easily, but you can always try.

Hey all,

Sorry to bump this topic, but it felt like a better step then starting yet another thread about DeAMX.

First things first, the only reason im using DeAMX is because a HDD failure caused me to lose my pwn files ages ago, and trough sheer luck i managed to find an old amx file i shared with a friend in 2008 just last week, im not some dick trying to decompile somebody's hard work, but i am some idiot trying to decompile my own files.

Now, ive decompiled said amx file, and have found what i wanted to restore in the pwn it spat out, namely my large list of objects (like 2500ish) but, heres the kicker, there seem to be some serious issue with the rotation values of the createObject call's that are in the decompiled pwn file.

Now as the above (object count) may have already pointed out, the gamemode in question was relying on YSI (or, more specifically, y_objects) so im sorta hoping thats the crux, the decompiler expects 'plain SA-MP code' but instead runs into some object streamer thing it never seen before, and it just tries to make something out of it.

Now the question i have is this; is there any way to fix the rotation's of the output file? perhaps by adding a definition of the ysi createobject call too g_SAMPSyscallPrototypes in deamx_syscalls.lua? or is there maybe some math function i can run on said rotation values that would 'fix them'? It sorta seems like half the objects just got their rotation randomized, wich could even be some sort of protection against 'decompile dicks'?

Heres some examples with the weird rotation values:
CreateObject(11486, -1672.045, 1852.889, 94.6323, 0, 0, 3255238662);
CreateObject(11486, -1664.492, 1811.6038, 94.6105, 0, 0, 3271000057);
CreateObject(11486, -1713.9636, 1844.5742, 94.6332, 0, 0, 1113653252);
(these point to objects at the shore, below that huge red san francisco bridge, on the city side)
And here are some more, showing that it happens for all rotation directions used:
CreateObject(1633, -2592.1365, 1583.4222, 10.9323, 1082753671, 0, 3266607946);
CreateObject(1655, -2576.0633, 1624.5618, 8.5916, 3230237319, 0, 1127512913);
CreateObject(1655, -2545.3492, 1658.5708, 8.5701, 3230237319, 0, 1127512913);
(note, no clue where these objects are, its been 7 years or sum, only know where the last example set is because i remember i started building objects there, and always kept them in chronological order)

Any help is highly appreciated, if you'd rather PM me to not go out in the open with a solution too this (after all, it could be some sort of protection) im totally okay with that, just hoping to find a fix, that doesnt involve me writing a plugin to rotate objects i aim at, which, in combi with the actual rotation work, will prolly take me a week, where as fixing the decompile could take mere minutes.

Finally, for some reason (postcount?) i cant seem to open the linked DeAMX thread, wich is why im asking for help here, else i would've been posting it there, my apologies if that ticks anybody off, definatlly not my intention.


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