Share the variable between two files?

Hello. I just got stuck to this problem.

I created a gamemode which is seperated into modules(like southclaw's scavenge & survive). But command part doesn't work.

In the core file(which loaded first), I scripted like this

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])

	sscanf(cmdtext, "s[32]s[128]", cmd, params);

	#if defined cmd_OnPlayerCommandText
		return cmd_OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]);
		return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerCommandText
	#undef OnPlayerCommandText
	#define _ALS_OnPlayerCommandText
#define OnPlayerCommandText cmd_OnPlayerCommandText
#if defined cmd_OnPlayerCommandText
	forward cmd_OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]);
and second file, which loaded later, is scripted like this

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if(!strcmp(cmd, "/ahelp", true))
		return 1;

	#if defined admin_OnPlayerCommandText
		return admin_OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext);
		return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerCommandText
	#undef OnPlayerCommandText
	#define _ALS_OnPlayerCommandText
#define OnPlayerCommandText admin_OnPlayerCommandText
#if defined admin_OnPlayerCommandText
	forward admin_OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]);
and the error comes out

error 017: undefined symbol "cmd"
I understand this error, but I can't figure out how to solve this. What I want is to use cmd variable in first file in second file. Is this possible Thanks

Thanks, but I have to use strcmp. because I'm not english user(Korean), I can't create command such as CMD: something. When I trying to create a command with y_commands or something like that, I got errors.

As far as I know there is no solution for this problem. So I have to use this.

Like ****** said, use y_commands or zcmd (They use same principle)

Anyway if you still want to use strcmp, and i dont see a reason for that but what a asked for help her you go...

Second file if(!strcmp(cmd, "/ahelp", true))
change cmd to cmdtext

[EDIT]Oh wait, i just noticed that i misunderstood you...
Well in that case you will eather call custom function yourself or a simple solution y_commands/zcmd

Interesting, Thanks ******. I'll give it a try. But there are many commands on my mode. Changing every command with this method is too heavy work for me

Anyway, I just created this script below. Is there any problem? I run this script and it works fine, but I think this is not Ideal way to do this.

First file.
	core_targeitd = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	#define cmd		core_cmd
	#define params		core_params
	#define targetid	core_targetid

	sscanf(cmdtext, "s[32]s[128]", cmd, params);

	#if defined core_OnPlayerCommandText
		return core_OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]);
		return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerCommandText
	#undef OnPlayerCommandText
	#define _ALS_OnPlayerCommandText
#define OnPlayerCommandText core_OnPlayerCommandText
#if defined core_OnPlayerCommandText
	forward core_OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]);
There are three variables and they are global. and in OnPlayerCommandText(hooked), I changed their name using macro.

So, second file:
#include <YSI\y_hooks>

hook OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if(!strcmp(cmd, "/ahelp", true))
		return 1;

	return 0;
Will this work properly without any critical problem?

Ah, you know, I've already created many commands and they use variable which is named 'cmd'. and cmd is more friendly than core_cmd.... for me .

again, Thanks, ******!

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