Help me please!!! Playernames thick/bold


So i've been playing samp for quite some time now.
And the names above players head always been bold/thick. Also in the kill list, the names been bold.

This morning when i joined the server i always played on. The names were NOT bold.
They are thin and ugly looking.

How can i fix that?

1. Im playing with the same resolution as i always have. So its not that problem.
2. I tried to press all the F1-12 keys, nothing.
3. I loaded up singleplayer sa, and crashed before the loading screen.
I believe its since then, this problem has occured.

Anyone please help me!
I also tried to reinstall the game, nothing.

enter the game pictures pull


In english please.

If it's the same resolution try changing it or try changing your windows' resolution..

Also could you please post a picture while you;re in the game?

Else, try messing with these:

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