Update new version

Update 0.3.7 version on http://www.sa-mp.com/ because all player downloading from this page

Originally Posted by Cyber123
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Update 0.3.7 version on http://www.sa-mp.com/ because all player downloading from this page
It isn't out yet. It is currently in the RC stage, the stage where it is tested and developers have a change to update their server. Once it's done, it will be put on the main site.

This is a release candidate and not the final release. It isn't ment for final usage but just for testing. When it's done the final release will be available from the website but it wont happen now.

EDIT: Infinity was faster, haha.

Ok tnx all ..

0.3.7 is just available as release candidate #1 yet.
Thats something like an open beta stage, still being developed and updated, meant to be used by developers only to test out the version, find bugs and prepare their servers for the update. Its is not meant to be used on live servers, so normal players also shouldnt update yet. So thats why it isnt released officially on the main website yet. Theres still a number of RC versions to be released before the final version is ready. This usually takes 1-2 months.

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