Player desync

My friend teleported to me when I was on pause menu. I noticed that he had desynced position for me, but he could sending commands, saying etc. Sync had came after I did 2 times spectate command on him.

Some ss:


Have you tried replicating the issue on versions such as 0.3z? I don't believe anything sync related was modified(correct me if I'm wrong) within this RC.

Do you maybe have "return 0;" somewhere in your OnPlayerUpdate callback?
It can also be like "return false;" or "return (false);" or it can use some other definition that is zero.

I don't have. It's rare.. This isn't happend every time, maybe only when player was synced per client, then client entered pause menu then that player teleported somewhere and came back again, I don't really know.

This happens sometimes when I use too much upload bandwidth while I'm playing SA:MP.
I can still send messages to the server, but the client is somehow desynced and I need to reconnect.

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