Help Head Shot with sniper

public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
   if (Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        if (GetPlayerTeam(Target) == GetPlayerTeam(Shooter)) // check if the target is from the same team as the shooter.

            new Float:hp;
            GetPlayerHealth(Target, hp);
            SetPlayerHealth(Target, hp + HealthLost);
            GameTextForPlayer(Shooter, "~r~Don't Team Kill!", 3000, 3);
    if ( Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
        if (GetPlayerTeam(Target) != GetPlayerTeam(Shooter)) // check if the target is from the same team as the shooter.
            SetPlayerHealth(Target, 0);
            GameTextForPlayer(Target, "~r~Head Shot!", 3000, 3);
    return 1;
how to add here only for sniper

Add this under OnPlayerTakeDamage
PHP код:
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 9)
        if (
GetPlayerTeam(Target) != GetPlayerTeam(Shooter))
GameTextForPlayer(Target"~r~Head Shot!"30003);


i only have


public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLos t,Float:ArmourLost)
if (Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
if (GetPlayerTeam(Target) == GetPlayerTeam(Shooter)) // check if the target is from the same team as the shooter.

new Float:hp;
GetPlayerHealth(Target, hp);
SetPlayerHealth(Target, hp + HealthLost);
GameTextForPlayer(Shooter, "~r~Don't Team Kill!", 3000, 3);
if ( Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
if (GetPlayerTeam(Target) != GetPlayerTeam(Shooter)) // check if the target is from the same team as the shooter.
SetPlayerHealth(Target, 0);
GameTextForPlayer(Target, "~r~Head Shot!", 3000, 3);
return 1;


Use OnPlayerTakeDamage callback !
Your script will detect all shoots as headshot !

In OnPlayerTake damage callback you can detect body part (for check issuerid shooted player's head or no)
And you can check weapon id

i want only for sniper here


public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLos t,Float:ArmourLost)
if (Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
if (GetPlayerTeam(Target) == GetPlayerTeam(Shooter)) // check if the target is from the same team as the shooter.

new Float:hp;
GetPlayerHealth(Target, hp);
SetPlayerHealth(Target, hp + HealthLost);
GameTextForPlayer(Shooter, "~r~Don't Team Kill!", 3000, 3);
if ( Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
if (GetPlayerTeam(Target) != GetPlayerTeam(Shooter)) // check if the target is from the same team as the shooter.
SetPlayerHealth(Target, 0);
GameTextForPlayer(Target, "~r~Head Shot!", 3000, 3);
return 1;


You can't only you can put it under on player take damage

create for me here


public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLos t,Float:ArmourLost)
if (Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
if (GetPlayerTeam(Target) == GetPlayerTeam(Shooter)) // check if the target is from the same team as the shooter.

new Float:hp;
GetPlayerHealth(Target, hp);
SetPlayerHealth(Target, hp + HealthLost);
GameTextForPlayer(Shooter, "~r~Don't Team Kill!", 3000, 3);
if ( Shooter != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
if (GetPlayerTeam(Target) != GetPlayerTeam(Shooter)) // check if the target is from the same team as the shooter.
SetPlayerHealth(Target, 0);
GameTextForPlayer(Target, "~r~Head Shot!", 3000, 3);
return 1;


You are here to learn, not to just get everything done for you.
Here's a quick example, it'll kill the player if he's hit by a sniper.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
    if(weaponid == 34) SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0);
    return 1;
And you can put more code ofc.

but i have errors with onplayertakedamage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

show it

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