[Plugin] Shoebill 1.1 - SA-MP Java Development Kit

How should interrupt() and disallow() methods work in PlayerTextEvent? Because when I use interrupt() in the middle of event handler, the code in this event handler doesn't interrupt in the place, where I used interrupt(), but another event handler (with lower priority) doesn't work.
And when I use disallow(), my message sends in chat.

@SetupDLL: Ok, I'm sorry for the problems. Please update shoebill-runtime (switch to onlineMode -> Start Server -> Switch back to offlineMode) and then it should work.

//Edit: Ok, now it's working. Please update the plugin with update-shoebill.bat. (and shoebill-runtime as mentioned above)

thank you for quick fixes!

No problem If you have any questions, you can post them here, so other people can see them too

Can anyone explain me how to call a native of a plugin such as streamer?

@stokdam: In the current build you can only call functions from a pawn file. But I made a update today, and I will push it tomorrow, and then you can call native functions. But there is a streamer for shoebill. You can get it with this dependency:


And use it like this:


I will write you a private message tomorrow.

Originally Posted by mk124
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@stokdam: In the current build you can only call functions from a pawn file. But I made a update today, and I will push it tomorrow, and then you can call native functions. But there is a streamer for shoebill. You can get it with this dependency:


And use it like this:


I will write you a private message tomorrow.
Thankyou, i didn't know there was a streamer for shoebill, it was the only plugin i need because all other things such as mysql are availble in java directly, i'm goinig to test it.

EDIT: It says "Missing artifact net.gtaunhoebill-streamer:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT" in pom.xml

What do you mean? Are you in offlineMode?

It seems that it cant find the dependency

Which repositories do you use right now?

			<name>GTAUN Public Repository</name>
     		<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>

Ok, looks fine. Are you sure that you use the correct dependency?
Can you access DynamicSampObject? Do you get in error in the console?

No, I cant access DynamicSampObject. I just copied and pasted the dependency from your previus post:

These are my settings, and I can access DynamicSampObject and it's members:

<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>

<name>GTAUN Public Repository</name>

and the dependency:


The dynamic object is located in this package: net.gtaun.shoebill.object.*
Other people can access it too, which IDE are you using? Maybe you need to reimport the maven project.

[Image: 1yYJNMw]

- All callbacks that handle return values are now correctly usable. (Cancel PlayerUpdateEvent, PlayerTextEvent, etc.)
- You can now call native functions from other plugins (make sure the shoebill plugin is the first entry in the plugins line in your server.cfg)
- Fixed the player.spawn() bug, they will now spawn normally

[Image: 1yH03Tv]

Cancel callbacks:
eventManager.registerHandler(PlayerTextEvent.class, event -> {
                event.disallow(); //There will be no message in the chat if the player is currently spectating somebody
Call native functions:
AmxCallable createDynamicObject = null;
for(AmxInstance instance : Shoebill.get().getAmxInstanceManager().getAmxInstances()) {
        createDynamicObject = instance.getNative("CreateDynamicObject");
        if(createDynamicObject != null) {
                //found CreateDynamicObject native, call it like this:
                createDynamicObject.call(18421, ....); //normal pawn arguments. Make sure you put a f after a Float value, like this: 13.0f or 0f
Please use the shoebill-updater, because the launcher, the plugin and the runtime has been changed. Run update-shoebill.bat/sh (located in the root-directory of your server) and it will download the newest files from our servers.

Originally Posted by mk124
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These are my settings, and I can access DynamicSampObject and it's members:

<name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>

<name>GTAUN Public Repository</name>

and the dependency:


The dynamic object is located in this package: net.gtaun.shoebill.object.*
Other people can access it too, which IDE are you using? Maybe you need to reimport the maven project.
I downloaded shoebill-streamer from the github repository and added it to my projects and now eclipse can resolve the dependency.

Ok, so it's working now?


I just made a little video on how to setup a project in IntelliJ IDEA 14:

I'm getting "Unknown command" messages, but cmds work correctly

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