How to check is player offline

How i can check is player offline and do something with that?

If none of connected players has a certain name or something? I do not understand.

I want make script delete player fist every 2hours if player not here,but i need some function who will detect is player offline..

You can't.
A connected player will have and id (playerid). When the player exists, that ID is deleted and will be assigned to the next player who enters the server. Each player receives the lowest possible ID.
When a player disconnects, he basically stops existing from the server's point of view. "playerid" won't be assigned to him anymore, so you can't have functions for offline players.
The only way you can achieve old account deletion, is with an SQL database.

Can i make if the inactivity time bigger than lastlogin time server sell his fist ?
Because i learning about mysql plugin yet,and for start i making easy,for next time i will make via MYSQL

You can use ReturnUser / sscanf, although it can be inaccurate sometimes. It should how-ever suffice for your purpose. If no results come up then:
a - they aren't registered, etc.

b - they are offline

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