Removebuildings problem

If i delete some house and other house stuff i cant enter to the server.
Server just freeze and nobody can't enter,only if i undo deleted object..
How to delete object without problems..
I put all removeobject inside onplayerspawn??

try to put it into onplayerconnect maybe, I got some deleted object in OnPlayerSpawn too dunno whats wrong

You should get the crashdetect-plugin maybe

@Saize server doesn't crash,only crash client..
And i don't know how to check why client crash..

Maybe youґve made a mistake in your script while removing them objects?

Yes,but i don't know where i make mistake..
I have lot of removeobject in my script.
What i should to do to fix ?

How can I know how to fix your problem without seeing your code? x.x

if i send you the code how you will know where is mistake..
Only delete one of one..

Wolf fence debugging. If you don't know what that means, look it up.

where to look?

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