hy i hawe a 2 small probs

1.how i can make my char a admin?
2.i hawe 3 pc and he wan ips all same what i need to do?

1. Your character admin? Well, it depends what kinda script you're using.
2. Didn't understand any of that.

Originally Posted by Craze (coa-rp.net)
1. Your character admin? Well, it depends what kinda script you're using.
2. Didn't understand any of that.
2.i have 3pc's!and one wireless routher!and my wan ip same 3 ipes all 3 pcs wan ips is

2. Just connect to
and to that ip add the :7777
or put lanmode at server.cfg 1

its not help shittttt

well you don't make much sense that's why

1. Register on the server, goto the Folder where you got all the Server Files > Scriptfiles > Then theres a file called yourname.dudb > Open it with Editor > Admin = 0-10

lol this guy probbly dosnt even know how to port forward how old is he 3 he spells Have "Hawe" LOL. and hey "Hy" you dont make sence try searching port forwarding if you have brains.

i forvated port !!!!

Originally Posted by Murphy
1. Register on the server, goto the Folder where you got all the Server Files > Scriptfiles > Then theres a file called yourname.dudb > Open it with Editor > Admin = 0-10
How do you know what he uses for userfiles?

He might not have an FS or userfile database installed at all.

kazakx: Open server.cfg - change your rcon_password to your most desired one - then go in game - do /rcon login <the password you put into server.cfg>

Yes,it's simpler to use an FS.

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