Is it DDoS?

server_log says: Warning: client exceeded 'ackslimit' (7094364) Limit: 3000/sec
then all players were disconnected with reason: 0 (Timeout/Crash), but server was active

DDoS is when the server crashes, Not when the players leave, I have no clue what this is

Wow... Thats a huge nunber...
It doesn't look like a DDOS attack.
But I never saw someone to get all that acks.

Seems like a infinite loop in your script.
Sending too many messages back and forth between server and client causes this error to appear, as every message sent also needs an acknowledge response to indicate the message has been received properly.

It may also be an attack of some sort, issued by one player.
He could be bombarding the server with messages and the server is trying to send an acknowledge response to each one and doesn't have time to process the other players, causing them to time-out.

I have the same problem, but we don't think that we have problems in the script. If we have, we don't know where and how to find it. Could you check my topic?

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