Identity - Roleplaying Game?

Hey there. This was sent to me earlier today and I saw there was no topic about it on the forums. Seeing as a lot of people on here like roleplaying I figured I should post it because it seems like the funding needs a boost in order to be able to reach the deathline. I dont know if we'd be able to get it that far but why not trying? If you are not interested in funding it then you can always share this with your friends! I certainly would love this game to be made and I hope it will! I unfortunately cant support it because I have no credit card but I hope others who do will.


Kickstarter Page
PayPal Crowfunding Page
Well? Feel free to discuss! For the record: I am not the maker of this game. I am just a fan that would love to see this happen.

Interesting! I would love to get this game!

Looks excellent.

Insane. :O

Me hooked!!!

Looks amazing!

Wow, I'm reading the kickstarter page and I'm already impressed even though I haven't finished reading.

I wasn't expecting much from this video, but holy crap it actually looks amazing. I'm very interested, have donated to the project, and will be following the development of this from now on! Very excited for the closed beta access!

EDIT: Oh, and thank you for sharing this!

this looks amazing.

This is outstanding. I would like to give it a try!

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