Some Errors [+REP] !!!!

Hello guys , I try to understand this errors about 2 days but nothing idk what's wrong with my code and I want ur oppinion please.


This is the first error

pawn Код:
(953 -- 954) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
This is the full code

pawn Код:
for ( new gID = 1; gID < 9; gID++ )
        format( ls_Query, sizeof ls_Query, "UPDATE `Gangs` SET `members` = '%d',`teritories` = '%d',`kills` = '%d',`deaths` = '%d',`color` = '%d'",
        GetGVarInt( "g_Members", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Teritories", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Kills", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Deaths", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Color", gID ) );

        format( ls_Query, sizeof ls_Query, "%s,`px` = '%.2f',`py` = '%.2f',`pz` = '%.2f',`pa` = '%.2f'",
        ls_Query, GetGVarFloat( "g_SpawnX", gID ), GetGVarFloat( "g_SpawnY", gID ), GetGVarFloat( "g_SpawnZ", gID ), GetGVarFloat( "g_SpawnA", gID ) );

        format( ls_Query, sizeof ls_Query, "%s,`oskin` = '%d',`coskin` = '%d',`skin` = '%d',`points` = '%d'",
        ls_Query, GetGVarInt( "g_Own_Skin", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Co_Skin", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Mem_Skin", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Points", gID ) );

        format( ls_Query, sizeof ls_Query, "%s,`GangWeaps` = '%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d',`alliance` = '%d'",
        ls_Query, GetGVarInt( "Weap1", gID ), GetGVarInt( "Weap2", gID ), GetGVarInt( "Weap3", gID ), GetGVarInt( "Weap4", gID ), GetGVarInt( "Weap5", gID ), GetGVarInt( "Weap6", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Ally", gID ) );

        format( ls_Query, sizeof ls_Query, "%s,`BreakingToolID` = '%d',`GateStatus` = '%d',`GangAnnounce` = '%d'",
        ls_Query, GetGVarInt( "g_Tools", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Gates", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Announce", gID ) );

        format( ls_Query, sizeof ls_Query, "%s,`Description1` = '%s',`Description2` = '%s',`Description3` = '%s',`Captures` = '%d',`PremiumPoints` = '%d',`50FreeSlots` = '%d' WHERE `Key` = '%d'",
        ls_Query, GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description1", gID ), GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description2", gID ), GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description3", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Captures", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Premium", gID ), GetGVarInt( "50FreeSlots", gID ), gID );

        mysql_query( ls_Query );
This is the line with the error :

pawn Код:
format( ls_Query, sizeof ls_Query, "%s,`Description1` = '%s',`Description2` = '%s',`Description3` = '%s',`Captures` = '%d',`PremiumPoints` = '%d',`50FreeSlots` = '%d' WHERE `Key` = '%d'",
        ls_Query, GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description1", gID ), GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description2", gID ), GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description3", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Captures", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Premium", gID ), GetGVarInt( "50FreeSlots", gID ), gID );
Second error :

At this line
pawn Код:
gsString[ 0 ] = EOS;
    format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "Leader '{FFFFFF}%s{00FF00}' has stopped the alliance with '{FFFFFF}%s{00FF00}' gang!", PlayerName( playerid ), GetGVarStringEx( "g_Name", GangID ) );
    SendGangMessage( Users[ playerid ][ gang ], gsString );
This code is from an command

Third error:

pawn Код:
gsString[ 0 ] = EOS;
        switch( listitem )
            case 0:
                format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "{00FF00}Ok, so you want to send {FF9900}gang points{00FF00}to your ally gang '{FFFF00}%s{00FF00}'.\n\
                                                    Please type the GP amount to send to your ally gang:"
,GetGVarStringEx( "g_Name", GetGVarInt( "g_Ally", Users[ playerid ][ gang ] ) ) );
                ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_SEND_GP, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Type Amount", gsString, "Send", "Cancel" );
This are from dialog responses and are more 5 -6 errors like this but I put one

And the last error :
pawn Код:
GetGVarString( "g_Description1", string, sizeof string, S_Gang );
    GetGVarString( "g_Description2", string2, sizeof string2, S_Gang );
    GetGVarString( "g_Description3", string3, sizeof string3, S_Gang );

    format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "{FFFF00}Showing {33CCFF}%s{FFFF00}'s Stats:\n\n\
                                        {FFFF00}» {00FF00}Gang won '{33CCFF}%d{00FF00}' points.\n\
                                        {FFFF00}» {00FF00}Total Captures this month '{33CCFF}%d{00FF00}'\n\
                                        {FFFF00}» {00FF00}Teritories what own at this time '{33CCFF}%d{00FF00}'.\n"
, GetGVarStringEx( "g_Name", S_Gang ), GetGVarInt( "g_Points", S_Gang ), GetGVarInt( "g_Captures", S_Gang ), GetGVarInt( "g_Teritories", S_Gang ) );
Please help me if you can REP + !
I just can't understand this errors

what's on line 953 and 954

pawn Код:
format( ls_Query, sizeof ls_Query, "%s,`Description1` = '%s',`Description2` = '%s',`Description3` = '%s',`Captures` = '%d',`PremiumPoints` = '%d',`50FreeSlots` = '%d' WHERE `Key` = '%d'",
        ls_Query, GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description1", gID ), GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description2", gID ), GetGVarStringEx( "g_Description3", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Captures", gID ), GetGVarInt( "g_Premium", gID ), GetGVarInt( "50FreeSlots", gID ), gID );

and which version of mysql plugin are you using?

// my bad -.-'

MySQL R7, but not the plugin is the problem this script worked on another FS , when I put on this FS I've got this errors

well, I can't see any error.

And what Should I do ? Please help..

I don't know working with mysql but this error means that you forget the Second Term in your code but don't ask me what because i don't know ,

But i don't see the errors
Someone please help me or give me a idea..

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