with something small

Hello guys.
what happens is that I wanted to ask them for help,
Will see, I'm doing a mission of parkour and good this is exactly what I want in parkour.

I want that for example if the player falls of the parkour, I want that to half the ground respawn,
I mean that if it falls below the map of the parkour Respawn, Help me Please.

here are the coordinates where I want if the player reaches falling, to those coordinates respawn again:



Use GetPlayerPos to get the players current position, see if the z-value is below the map, then use SetPlayerPos to spawn the player on your coordinates.

thanks for replying Schneider, someone me said the same but I'm not very good at this, I could help with a code or some tutorial which teach this please, these are the coordinates of spawn Player:


SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1622.7039,673.5800,-4.9063);


Alright, first of all, go ingame and go the the lowest point of your map and type /save
Open savedpositions.txt in your UserFiles folder and see what the z-coordinate is.

Now in your gamemode you'll have to start a timer with a for example 1 second interval, in the OnGameModeInit() callback:

pawn Код:
SetTimer("CheckHeight", 1000, 1);
Then at the bottom of your script, add the following function and edit with your own preferences:
pawn Код:
forward CheckHeight();
public CheckHeight()
    new Float:Z;
    for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
        GetPlayerPos(i, Z, Z, Z);
        if(Z < LOWEST_COORDINATE)    // enter here the lowest z-coordinate
            SetPlayerPos(i, -1622.7039,673.5800,-4.9063);
            SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, 150.9650);
    return 1;

Friend, Thank you for taking your time helping me, but the code that you are giving me it has not me worked,
What is the error?

I don't what IS the error?
Do you get an error when you compile, or doesn't it work ingame?

Look, I put the that code are you giving me and gave me this error compiling:


D:\Desktop\Archives\Gamemodes\Server\gamemodes\Par kour.pwn(677) : error 017: undefined symbol "LOWEST_COORDINATE"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

And to eliminate this error i did this:



and the error is eliminated, then i went to the game to try to see if it worked but it turns out it did not work :/

No, read the first part of my post and read what I wrote in that function: // enter here the lowest z-coordinate"

You have to actually write down the lowest coordinate there.

Just like me you said I did., but it did not work I look, here this the coordinates that I use:

Coordinates Spawn Player:


SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 359.3109);

Coordinates of the fall of parkour:



Then I did the code in this way:


forward CheckHeight();
public CheckHeight()
new Float:Z;
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
GetPlayerPos(i, Z, Z, Z);
if(74.8250 < LOWEST_COORDINATE) // ''74.8250, Are the coordinates ''Z'' the falling of parkour
SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, 359.3109);
return 1;

what's wrong? :/

pawn Код:
if(Z < 74.8250)

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