18.01.2015, 19:09
Hi guys!
Here I am with another MySQL question...
I saw a thread by Lynn about saving vehicles.
In his code I saw some cache result?
I haven't used those by now so if someone could explain to me why and when should I use these functions?
Are they similair to mysql store result and free result?
Here I am with another MySQL question...
I saw a thread by Lynn about saving vehicles.
In his code I saw some cache result?
pawn Код:
new query[128], vehid;
mysql_format(db_connect,query,sizeof(query),"SELECT vID FROM vehicles");
new Cache:result = mysql_query(db_connect,query); // This
for(new i = 0; i < cache_get_row_count(); i++)
vehcount = cache_get_field_content_int(i,"vID");
cache_delete(result); // and this
Are they similair to mysql store result and free result?