How to replace a SAMP native with another...

Hello all...
I have a function called SetPlayerCheckpointEx...

However, Instead of replacing all SetPlayerCheckpoint's in my code, I want to replace the SetPlayerCheckpoint function completely...

How do I do so ?

I tried these though:
pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerCheckpointEx(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size)
    AdminCP[playerid][0] = x;
    AdminCP[playerid][1] = y;
    AdminCP[playerid][2] = z;
    return SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, size);
#if defined SetPlayerCheckpoint
    #undef SetPlayerCheckpoint
    #define SetPlayerCheckpoint SetPlayerCheckpointEx
    #define SetPlayerCheckpoint SetPlayerCheckpointEx

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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You can find some information about function hooking in this thread: Scroll to the end for native function hooking. You'll want to do all this right at the top of your code but after the include lines for the functions you want to hook so all future uses will use your version.
I just forgot the _ALS_ part

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