SA-MP Masterlist and Connection Checker v4.1 - Read now!

Seeing as this is repost #2, so this should look familiar - but let's cut right to the chase. This tool lets you check your server against a cached version of the masterlist, to check if your server is registered on the official (it's removed!), hosted and internet masterlist. This tool also lets you see how many players are on the server, the server's rules (the gravity, etc) as well as other things. But most of all, it can be used to check if your server is online - meaning most importantly - if players can actually reach it. Sometimes you can't see your own server due to your router config, so this is the ideal tool rather than asking someone on IRC if the server is up.

Versions supported
  • 0.3b (0.3.1)
  • 0.3c (0.3.2)
  • 0.3d (0.3.3)
The 0.2.X and 0.3a master lists have been removed, so there's obviously now no buttons for any of those versions. If you still operate a 0.2.X or 0.3a (or even older) server, you can use any button, it's just that there'll be no master list check.


Excellent choice of IP to use as a demo! :P

I know, I've always used it. I wonder why

uh, Westie i dont mean to be rude but i think its bugged

SA-MP Server Connectivity Tester for
Server Connections
Server Online Yes
Server in master list Yes
Server in hosted list No
Server in official list No

Server Information
HINT: Roll over rule to find its meaning.
Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/www-data/ on line 82

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/www-data/ on line 85

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/www-data/ on line 88
password 0
players 0
maxplayers 0

Server Rules
HINT: Roll over rule to find its meaning.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www-data/ on line 171

Server Players
Player ID Nickname Score


It looks nice, i'll try it.

Welcome back
And I'm looking forward to your new control panel

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
It looks nice, i'll try it.
EDIT: Now I've tested it, and it's very nice. Especially if you're using another computer and want to view your server stats. :P

Originally Posted by HydraX [
I've known about that bug for a long time, I'm trying to think of a decent way to fix it.

Great job as always, Westie.

This post has been attached to the top of this board via excessive use of glue.

(In laymans terms, this thread has been stickied)

Currently offline due to server issues.

hay dose this work with GTA-u

No, you can check that manually, the list is so small.

Link is down 'cos the project has been lost. It'll be re-created soon.

Hello, I do not know if I am bumping this or what, But i would appreciate your help.
Recently I have went through ALOT of trouble port forwarding, Well today I think i finally did it.
When I put my host ip and port into your master list checker it says this,

SA-MP Connection Checker: v3.0!
→ Enter in Server IP → Verify Request → View Results!
Misc. Information
Server IP:
You can find a direct link to this page here.
Server Connections
Is server online Yes
Is server in internet list Yes
Is server in hosted list No
Is server in official list No
Server Information
password 0
players 1
maxplayers 32
gamemode ST-RP V1.2.
mapname San Andreas
Server Rules
gravity 0.008
instagib 0
mapname San Andreas
version 0.2X
weather 10
worldtime 23:00
Server Players
PlayerID Nickname Score
0 Cope_Williams 1

Well my problem is, Your app tells me my server IS online with my host ip and port,
But when I add it to my favorites it says its offline, I can connect fine with the statis IP though.
Could someone test my server to see if its online \ tell me my problem?

My server ip and port is


Basically what happened here is that you're trying to connect to your router. Try connecting via localhost.

its giving me error

SA-MP Connection Checker: v3.0!→ Enter in Server IP → Verify Request → View Results! Misc. InformationServer IP:
You can find a direct link to this page here.
Server ConnectionsIs server online No
Is server in internet list No
Is server in hosted list No
Is server in official list No

Website and all content © David

Then it's not online?

And what should we do if its not online ?, Because it says that my server aint on the Internet list.

bla bla. The masterlist doesn't update itself automatically.

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