2 Moons (Very Interesting)

Ok hey guys

i was checking my email, like always

and found this email and decided to share it to everyone

it was in spanish since my freind is spanish

so i translated

Heres the Note in Spanish:

Asunto: Dos lunas en el Cielo (Agosto- 27- 2009)


Apuntalo en la Agenda, el calendario o donde sea,, vale la pena
El planetario Internacional en Vancouver de la British columbia Canada.
han calculado la precision en la que Marte estara orbitando el (27-08-2009).
Pero lo mas intersante de todo es que esto estaba predicto en un codice Maya
encotrado en la piramide al lado del Observatorio Estelar en Palenque en chiapas Mexico.
Con este calculo matematico Maya ahora los Mayas son considerados como los Griegos de America.
y orgullo de Mexico.
Por lo menos cuatro o cinco generaciones de la humanidad no volveremos a ver este fenomeno natural.
Muy poca gente lo sabe por el momento, esto fue publicado el lunes 11 de mayo 2009.

Haganlo circular

Dos Lunas en el Cielo
El 27 de Agosto, a medianoche y 30 minutos, mirar al cielo
El planeta Marte serб la estrella mas brillante en el cielo serб tan grande como la luna llena
Marte estarб a 55,75 millones de kilуmetros de la tierra
No te lo pierdas
Serб como si la tierra tuviera dos lunas
La prуxima vez que este acontecimiento se producirб, estб previsto para el aсo 2287
Compartir esta informaciуn. Nadie que estй vivo podrб volverlo a ver.

And in English

Subject: Two Moons in the Sky (August 27 - 2009)

Very interesting.

Underpins the agenda, timing or whatever, it's worth
The International Planetarium in Vancouver British Columbia Canada.
have estimated the precision in which Mars will be orbiting the (27-08-2009).
But the most interesting part is that this was a predictive codice Maya
find in the pyramid next to the Observatory Stellar Palenque in Chiapas in Mexico.
With this mathematical Maya Maya are now regarded as the Greeks of America.
and pride in Mexico.
At least four or five generations of humanity will no longer see this natural phenomenon.
Very few people know it by the time this was published on Monday May 11 2009.

Do circular

Two Moons in the Sky
On August 27, and 30 minutes to midnight, look to the sky
The planet Mars will be the brightest stars in the sky will be as large as the full moon
Mars will be 55.75 million kilometers from earth
Do not miss
Will be as if the earth had two moons
The next time this event occurs, it is planned for the year 2287
Share this information. Nobody who is alive may see it again.

Again Since this was in Spanish i translated so you can understand

Thanks for Reading


Too late, we fail.

Originally Posted by Abernethy
Too late, we fail.

Sometimes the spanish languages have short words like ours so the translator wont understand much

Intresting, If I remember in a month I'll probably go outside and see if this is true.

By reading the English Wording, it says that when Mars is near it will be as bright and big as the moon..

We will see if it is true or not

If I remember I'll look out for that.


if it fake i kill you xD

10 days before school 0_0

it can be true there is like 1 mill articales but this!!


If Mars would be Close to earth

it would be possible to send an actual Human to Mars

But i dont think it will since it will be like hundreds and hundreds million miles away

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