Hosting Problems []

Hello everyone.
well in the first of all iam not the server owner iam just a friend of him.
the server is lagging alot for no reason.
Today the owner paid for Hosted tab [ 20$ ]
and he have a 50 slot server.
after a few hours from buying the hosted tab the server begin to lagg but the server never lagged before now.
the server begin to show all players desync for 30 / 60 sec then it gets back working once each 3 or 4 mins.
this is very annoying and the owner don't want to let go of the server easily as he paid alot for it.
Also the support is offline so it's very annoying and if anyone from Hostspree support is here i wish he tells me what to do and i will inform him as fast as i could.
Thank you.

You won't get anything from making a thread here, just hates. I'm just giving you a hint though, if their support is offline, find a better host. Or probably try PMing JavaunMiller.

alright , problem fixed , someone lock / remove this
#4 is dead Right?

Originally Posted by Stgnature
Посмотреть сообщение is dead Right?
this was 2 years ago!, don't bump topics

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