Implemented Security System.

So, I've found a roleplay script on samp forums (Voltage Gaming Roleplay 0.3x)
It has a Implemented security system (WS-Security) Does anyone know how to remove this and/or help me.

Go into the script and comment everything out.

Alternatively, you can just comment out the forward declarations for the security functions and anywhere where they are called in the program. Also remember to somehow disable the commands if there are any (just return 1 for any of the commands related to the thing you want to disable).

aight. i'll try that. thanks.

it gives me invalid function or declaration. I'm not sure if the security system declares something.

<delete this>

The key is to troubleshoot. The compiler will tell you ambiguously what is wrong and it is up to you to figure it out. Instead of solving your problems for you, i'll teach you how to solve them. (Teach a man to fish...)

Invalid function or declaration. What does this mean?
Invalid function or declaration means that the function is not found, it is a null reference. Meaning, you're calling it somewhere in your code and it doesn't actually exist. I assume you removed the function or commented it out but you missed one of them. So, use the Find tool to find any times you missed function calls and delete them.


I deleted the command which makes the compiling failing. Now the script compiles fine. When i try to start the server it says file or function not found. I'm know sure if this is due to the plugins or the script.

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