[FilterScript] Anti C-Bug System. [Simple and accurate]


- Hello.
Here I have an very Simple and Accurate system Anti C-Bug.
This system it's checks if a player press C and Left Mouse Button and if them are having a C-Bug Gun.
If him press on that buttons and it's having C-Bug gun, then it's calling a function.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerMakeCBug(playerid)
    return 1;
Example script:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerMakeCBug(playerid)
    new name[15], string[60];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 15);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "[SERVER]: %s [%d] please stop C-Bug.", name, playerid);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
    return 1;

- Pastebin; [Source Code]

- Solidfiles; [Source Code + AMX file]


pawn Код:
- If you downloaded from Pastebin:

1. Copy all Pastebin code.
2. Put Pastebin code in a .PWN file.
3. Compile file.
4. Put .AMX / .PWN File in "filterscripts" folder.
5. Go in server.cfg and at "filescripts" line put you file name.
6. DONE!

- If you downloaded from Solidfiles:

1. Download pack.
2. Copy AntiCBug.pwn and AntiCBug.amx in you filterscripts folder.
3. Go in server.cfg and at "filescripts" line put: "AntiCBug" without quotes [" "].
4. DONE!

Nice job.

EDIT: Won't work for me because i cbug so fast it won't regocnize xD

Originally Posted by Stuun23
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Nice job.

EDIT: Won't work for me because i cbug so fast it won't regocnize xD
If you have a C-Bug weapon, and press C and LMB, then of course will regocnize.

I don't know much about pawn , be i think most people c-bug using control

Originally Posted by ToySoldier
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I don't know much about pawn , be i think most people c-bug using control
Lol. C-Bug with Control. Sorry, I never heard this.

Nah, doesn't recognize, it's just tooo fast :P

You never tested it or do not even know what "c-bug" is. Am i right?

This can't work!

That function is called when 1. You press c(crouch) + 2. You press fire + 3. You have a c-bug weapon.

Now what? Seems correct, but no, it's not. In a c-bug you never press fire and c at the same time.

How does a c-bug work?

1. You shoot(press fire) + having a c-bug weapon.
Then you stop pressing them.
And then
2. You press c(crouch).

So, please update it, as it won't work.

Originally Posted by Flori
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You never tested it or do not even know what "c-bug" is. Am i right?

This can't work!
That function is called when 1. You press c(crouch) + 2. You press fire + 3. You have a c-bug weapon.
Did you actually read his code?
pawn Код:
if(newkeys & KEY_FIRE && oldkeys & KEY_CROUCH && IsCbugWeapon(playerid))
It clearly says: oldkeys & KEY_CROUCH

Originally Posted by Flori
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You never tested it or do not even know what "c-bug" is. Am i right?

This can't work!

That function is called when 1. You press c(crouch) + 2. You press fire + 3. You have a c-bug weapon.

Now what? Seems correct, but no, it's not. In a c-bug you never press fire and c at the same time.

How does a c-bug work?

1. You shoot(press fire) + having a c-bug weapon.
Then you stop pressing them.
And then
2. You press c(crouch).

So, please update it, as it won't work.
Not really.I cbug diffrently.

1. LMB+RMB at the SAME time

2. Press c

3. Press A.

Everything at the SAME TIME.

LOL, ops, in fast reading i overread the oldkey, i read double newkey check, that was the mistake. XD

Stuun, i do it comparable, it's like that bc we make it that fast.

Anyway, you guys really tested that code? Stop crying, it really won't work that perfect anyway. That oldkey crouch and newkey fire will be called crazy when using c-bug in shooting once, multiple shooting and different crouching.

It will be glitchy and can be improved. Test it by yourself...

Also when pressing other keys you can prevent that that functiong is called. Many many glitches can be found here, lol.

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