30.12.2014, 17:27
I'm back again with this problem.
So if it's just me, however, goes well, but if there are more than 2 from round to round everything is spam, increasingly more, How can I do so in how not to be spam?

So if it's just me, however, goes well, but if there are more than 2 from round to round everything is spam, increasingly more, How can I do so in how not to be spam?

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/paintball", true) == 0)
if(PlayerToPoint(5.0, playerid, 1328.6179, -1557.9896, 13.8794))
SetPlayerPos(playerid, -973.7964, 1077.2219, 1345.0875);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 10), SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Pentru a vota o mapa sau o arma foloseste comanda {0976B0}/vote.");
pPlayers ++, PlayerKills[playerid] = 0, InPaintball[playerid] = 1, pVoted = 1, VotedMap[playerid] = 0, VotedGun[playerid] = 0;
if(pRound == 1)
if(pGun[1] == 1) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 500); }
if(pGun[2] == 1) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 25, 500); }
if(pGun[3] == 1) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 31, 500); }
if(pGun[4] == 1) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 27, 500); }
if(pGun[5] == 1) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 4, 500); }
if(pGun[6] == 1) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 5, 500); }
SetTimer("StartPaintball", 20000, false);
return 1;
forward StartPaintball();
public StartPaintball()
if(pPlayers == 1)
SetTimer("StartPaintball", 20000, 0);
pRound = 0;
else if(pPlayers >= 2) { pRound = 1; }
if(pRound == 1)
pRound = 1, pVoted = 0, pWinner = -1, pWinnerScore = -1; new string[256];
if(VoteGuns[1] > VoteGuns[2] && VoteGuns[1] > VoteGuns[3] && VoteGuns[1] > VoteGuns[4] && VoteGuns[1] > VoteGuns[5] && VoteGuns[1] > VoteGuns[6])
format(string, sizeof(string), "Cea mai votata arma a fost: Deagle. (%d voturi)", VoteGuns[1]);
PaintMessage(COLOR_WHITE, string);
PaintWeapon(24, 500);
pGun[1] = 1;
else if(VoteGuns[2] > VoteGuns[1] && VoteGuns[2] > VoteGuns[3] && VoteGuns[2] > VoteGuns[4] && VoteGuns[2] > VoteGuns[5] && VoteGuns[2] > VoteGuns[6])
format(string, sizeof(string), "Cea mai votata arma a fost: Shotgun. (%d voturi)", VoteGuns[2]);
PaintMessage(COLOR_WHITE, string);
PaintWeapon(25, 500);
pGun[2] = 1;
else if(VoteGuns[3] > VoteGuns[1] && VoteGuns[3] > VoteGuns[2] && VoteGuns[3] > VoteGuns[4] && VoteGuns[3] > VoteGuns[5] && VoteGuns[3] > VoteGuns[6])
format(string, sizeof(string), "Cea mai votata arma a fost: M4. (%d voturi)", VoteGuns[3]);
PaintMessage(COLOR_WHITE, string);
PaintWeapon(31, 500);
pGun[3] = 1;
else if(VoteGuns[4] > VoteGuns[1] && VoteGuns[4] > VoteGuns[2] && VoteGuns[4] > VoteGuns[3] && VoteGuns[4] > VoteGuns[5] && VoteGuns[4] > VoteGuns[6])
format(string, sizeof(string), "Cea mai votata arma a fost: Combat Shotgun. (%d voturi)", VoteGuns[4]);
PaintMessage(COLOR_WHITE, string);
PaintWeapon(27, 500);
pGun[4] = 1;
else if(VoteGuns[5] > VoteGuns[1] && VoteGuns[5] > VoteGuns[2] && VoteGuns[5] > VoteGuns[3] && VoteGuns[5] > VoteGuns[4] && VoteGuns[5] > VoteGuns[6])
format(string, sizeof(string), "Cea mai votata arma a fost: Knife. (%d voturi)", VoteGuns[5]);
PaintMessage(COLOR_WHITE, string);
PaintWeapon(4, 500);
pGun[5] = 1;
else if(VoteGuns[6] > VoteGuns[1] && VoteGuns[6] > VoteGuns[2] && VoteGuns[6] > VoteGuns[3] && VoteGuns[6] > VoteGuns[4] && VoteGuns[6] > VoteGuns[5])
format(string, sizeof(string), "Cea mai votata arma a fost: Baseball Bat. (%d voturi)", VoteGuns[6]);
PaintMessage(COLOR_WHITE, string);
PaintWeapon(5, 500);
pGun[6] = 1;
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(InPaintball[i] == 1 && pRound == 1)
SetPlayerHealth(i, 100);
SetTimer("StopPaintball", 180000, false);
return 1;
forward StopPaintball();
public StopPaintball()
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
if(InPaintball[i] == 1)
new string[256];
SetTimer("StartPaintball", 30000, 0);
pGun[1] = 0, pGun[2] = 0, pGun[3] = 0, pGun[4] = 0, pGun[5] = 0, pGun[6] = 0;
pRound = 0, PlayerKills[i] = 0, VotedMap[i] = 0, VotedGun[i] = 0, pVoted = 1;
format(string, sizeof(string), "Castigatorul acestei runde de paintball este: %s - %d kills", GetName(pWinner), pWinnerScore);
PaintMessage(COLOR_YELLOW, string);
SetTimer("StartPaintball", 20000, false);
return 1;
PHP код:
forward PaintMessage(color, string[]);
public PaintMessage(color, string[])
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(InPaintball[i] == 1)
SendClientMessage(i, color, string);