22.12.2014, 21:24
Hi guys, well my friend created a little PVP filterscript. It worked fine, when a ran it with GrandLarceny. I put the filterscript in my server and it started not recognizing commands. When i use /pvp, it will only respond when i dont put player ID, or the right cash amount it will send a message back. If i put the right amounts, it will tell me Command not found. Heres the CMD:
Anyone know what it could be?
pawn Код:
CMD:pvp(playerid, params[]){
#pragma unused params
new kID[24], String[150], money[7];
GetPlayerName(playerid, kID, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
if(sscanf(params,"ui",pID,money)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF1E40}[FunZoneLT]>> {FFFFFF}/PVP [Юaidejo nick/ID] [Suma]");
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < money[playerid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF1E40}[FunZoneLT]>> {FFFFFF}Jыs neturite tiek pinigш!");
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "pvpmode") == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF1E40}[FunZoneLT]>> {FFFFFF}Jыs dabar esate PVP kovoje!");
format(String,sizeof(String),"{FF1E40}[FunZoneLT]>> {FFFFFF}%s jus kvieиia PVP kovai, suma {00FF00}%i $. {FFFFFF}Norint sutikti raрykite {FF1E40}/psutikti %i",kID,money,playerid);
SendClientMessage(pID, -1, String);
format(String,sizeof(String),"{FF1E40}[FunZoneLT]>> {FFFFFF}Norint atsisakyti raрykite {FF0000}/patsaukti %i",playerid);
SendClientMessage(pID, -1, String);
pvpinfo[playerid][ITP] = 1;
pvpinfo[playerid][invID] = pID;
SetPVarInt(playerid, "wmoney", money[playerid]);
SetPVarInt(pID, "wmoney", money[playerid]);
return 1;