[HELP] Showing Wrong Password

Hello , i created registration system from a tutorial in sa-mp.com . Now after every registration a file is created in a folder . But it doesn't showing me the correct password (only password , money score deaths etc are working correctly) . I registered my account but the file show the following password.

414746AC3075C37E8F740933E1C8F4FDD3F195093161A5D503 FCE5D4881BD6E5EB6AFDDF6A02BA4AAE2300A9A3AB98E48625 88D0E9AAD1C746A86E2A07AF93CA

you are using whirlpool to hash your passwords, you must edit the registration and login code to send the input of the dialog in plane text.

If you followed one on SAMP forums if I'm correct every one includes hash from what I've read. You'll still be able to log in with the pword you put it was IG it's just a way so ppl wont get others passwords.

how to convert the hash password into ig password?

One question, why?

You shouldn't be unhashing passwords ever.

He wants to know the other player password to enter with their accounts, don't do that it's good if the password is codified, so you can't read it's more safe for players, don't trie to get their passwords!!!!!!!!

Ok , Thanks all of you for helping.

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