Suggestion - Bring back official tab

Please bring back the official tab, i rather see that servers running clean, good-looking, fully-functional, gramatically correct scripts get more players than they are right now.

I'd also rather see lots of players in a few servers, than a few players scattered around on lots of different servers. Back in 2009 these servers that were found on the official tab were thriving communities, now most of these are gone, dead.

Good suggestion, yes or no?

I think this is a good idea.

Been suggested a million times. They are not bringing it back.

And which servers would get in official tab? Because not all beta testers have servers, there would be like ~5 servers in total.

As someone who once had official tab...its worth it for about an hour until:

People from jealous servers invade yours and advertise constantly
Floods of 'hackers' trying to disgrace an official server
Getting extortion/blackmail emails ("close server or I close for you")
Getting DDoSed for 2 months straight (see above)


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