10.12.2014, 16:51
Hello there!
So, I attempted to insert the christmas utilities by OTACON in my gamemode.
All went well, until I got some errors on compile.
I fixed some of them, but I don`t have enough knowledge for the last ones.
I get errors from these lines:
Also, from:

Some help would be nice...
So, I attempted to insert the christmas utilities by OTACON in my gamemode.
All went well, until I got some errors on compile.
I fixed some of them, but I don`t have enough knowledge for the last ones.
I get errors from these lines:
pawn Код:
for(new object=0,index=10;object!=index;object++){DestroyObject(FireworksObjects[slots][object]); CountingFireworksObjects=0;} }
pawn Код:
for(new object=0,index=10;object!=index;object++){DestroyObject(DrinksObjects[slots][object]); CountingDrinksObjects=0;} }
pawn Код:
for(new object=0,index=10;object!=index;object++){DestroyObject(TreeObjects[slots][object]); CountingTreeObjects=0;} }
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEditAttachedObject(playerid, response, index, modelid, boneid, Float:fOffsetX, Float:fOffsetY, Float:fOffsetZ, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:fRotZ, Float:fScaleX, Float:fScaleY, Float:fScaleZ){
if(InfoChristmas[playerid][DataActivated][2]==true && InfoChristmas[playerid][DataActivated][1]==true){
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]){

Some help would be nice...