09.12.2014, 08:39
pawn Код:
forward CheckAdminArea();
public CheckAdminArea()
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
SetPlayerHealth(i,0); // Kills him, for example.
return 1;
//At on gm init
stock IsPlayerInArea(playerid,Float:max_x,Float:min_x,Float:max_y,Float:min_y)
new Float:pos[3]; //Save his position this this triple-var.
GetPlayerPos(playerid,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); //Save his X in pos[0], his Y in pos[1] and his Z in pos[2].
if(min_x <= pos[0] && max_x >= pos[0] && min_y <= pos[1] && max_y >= pos[1]) return 1; //Checks if the player is in the area, and if so returns 1.
return 0; //Else it returns 0.