Camera positions are realy easy. Go anywhere and type /save camerapos. This is where the camere will be. Than go 1,2,5,10 or more meters away where you want to camera look at and tipe /save cameralook. Remember that if the players is away from camera the graphics will be poor so you need to put player near the camera position. Like put the player behind camera 1 or 2 meters. Like this
Hide player somewhere like in object (building, house or something else) so the rest of the players who are playing wont see him. Or put him in different Virtual World and on the end of the TUT put him back to 0 VW.
And use
if(tutorial step == some number)
,Float:y,Float: z)
,Float:y,Flo at:z)
SendClientMessage(playerid, SOME_COLOR, "Step two of the tutorial. Bla bla bla");
For that regnick put some condtion like PlayerWillNowTakeTut[playerid] = 1; when player registers
And on some timer
PlayerWillNowTakeTut[playerid] ++;
if(PlayerWillNowTakeTut[playerid] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, SOME_COLOR, "Begging of tut");
else if(PlayerWillNowTakeTut[playerid] == 15)
SendClientMessage(playerid, SOME_COLOR, "Tutorial step 2 like cheating");
and so on
Put this timer on one second so every second the PlayerWillNowTakeTut will increase for one. So after 15 seconds he will be reading tut step 2