How did this person connect to my server?

I had my server running on localhost so I could test some features that I added, and somebody else connected. I tried to portforward with my new router the other day but I couldn't get it to work; when I entered my ip address followed by :7777, the port my server is running on, into SA-MP, it didn't work. But that's not the point... how did this stranger connect to my server, when I can't even connect myself unless I connect to localhost:7777? :S

You may of portforwarded without knowing (if you tried)? If not, there is no way he could of connected to your server.

Originally Posted by Harold
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You may of portforwarded without knowing (if you tried)? If not, there is no way he could of connected to your server.
But I have no idea what IP address the person could have entered in SA-MP to find my server :S I'm so confused. :P

Since you 'probably' portforwarded your server, it may have happen that the stranger found your server on sites like or the internet list itself. If you don't want anyone else joining your server you could set a password on it.

Krest says right
I agree with the 'Internet' list
When I was testing my server that happened too tho.
Set the port to something else or set a password to avoid them


There is no way to enter a person to your localhost server if its not portforward. Sometimes your try may success and posted your server in internet.

Okay, but when I searched on the internet list and on SACNR Monitor, I couldn't find my server. And I cannot think what IP address he could've entered to find my server.

There is a way when people can join your server on home host, if you have "announce 1" in your Server.cfg.

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