Need help

Guys Can give me
When Player do /changename he can changename Only 2time When he did it He Need 2mount to changename again
Exemple: Like i Use ayoub in name when iwill do /changename to Ayouyou The account ayoub will be deleted

PLease +rep For Help


How the fuck are we supposed to know what you have in your registration system?

You'll have to find a way of updating the user file, depending on what you use for your accounts.

If you use MySQL it'll be easier as it's a simple query, where a file storage, will require you to copy the stats from one file to a new file, then set the original to be disabled until it's deleted.

It's a good idea to rather than delete the files, to move them, so in case something goes wrong, you can revert the changes.

Originally Posted by Stinged
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How the fuck are we supposed to know what you have in your registration system?
Ask him about it rather than simply cussing and being a dick about it.


Searching "Y_INI Changename" (without the quotes) came up with

you'll have more fruitful returns by searching as usually someone has asked before.

This thread was also made before SetPlayerName was used as much as it is, so the command will need some updating.

Although, forcing someone to relog, isn't such a bad idea when changing names.

This is scripting help
Don't request people to write code for you
There is a topic on forum that you can request for scripters

Use setplayername to make command
Y_ini or samp files don't have any function to delete a file
Tip: just write player info in new file and after that change player password in last file
So player can't join and use stats of last file
For time u can add time that you want to gettime() and save it in new player file that you writed

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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Ask him about it rather than simply cussing and being a dick about it.
If he wants some help, he should at least provide some information...
He replied with Y_INI, what the hell are we supposed to know from that..?

Search for a tutorial, We are not magicians.

Originally Posted by Stinged
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If he wants some help, he should at least provide some information...
He replied with Y_INI, what the hell are we supposed to know from that..?
It's not that goddamn hard to think... If you're not here to help out then move along guy.

He wanted changename, which really, you know what that's for, and you know what it does...

Then, instead of being all "How the fuck are we supposed to know what you have in your registration system?" like a moron, you could've actually ASKED what it was rather than being an ass hat.

Even though, really, you don't need to know what registration system they use... You also don't even need to know what Y_INI, D_INI he uses...

You can simply make it change the name, without doing any changes, but that's plainly not what he wants.

It's not that hard to actually think, but then again, if you don't know how to do it, I suppose you wouldn't know.

Originally Posted by ManuelNeuer
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Search for a tutorial, We are not magicians.
Same goes for you too. If you'd read the thread, there was a link I put up, and you answering like this after, seems a bit of a waste...

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