Website logo

Hello, I've recently moved back in with my old gaming community, Never Rest and i've set up a new website, but i need a logo, what says "Never Rest" I had my old community Unknown Gaming, but left it as the name wasn't right for me, so if anyone can do it, i would be grateful! plus i'll give you rep! needs to be photoshopped with a transparent backgroud
You might be able to find the size of it from my other thread here! Thanks!

Never Rest
Well, that take alot of my time. You should find a GFX designer, instead of asking for help here. Because, people will not take much time, for your work. Request it, where there are GFX people.

Check the one I have at

Yo Jakwob, can you make me one for my server, like that but the way it would suit my website

Why you want to website logo and you need logo , if i've will create for you name of you website.

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