02.12.2014, 18:09
Последний раз редактировалось MikeB; 02.12.2014 в 18:22.
Причина: nothing
Army Vs Terrorists - Multi-Language [ENG/ESP]
Gamemode Version: 1.0
Gamemode Type: TDM/CTF
Lines: 4365
Note: There is a Secret Gamemode hidden with it
Features - Part 1Gamemode Version: 1.0
Gamemode Type: TDM/CTF
Lines: 4365
Note: There is a Secret Gamemode hidden with it
-Gamemode Can Be Played in Two Languages: English And Spanish (Can be Changed in /language or /idioma)
-Rank System (5 Ranks) , Every Rank Gets a Bonus on Spawn
-VIP System (Basic Features in VIP Menu: vip car , vip weapons , vip refill , vip skin)
-VIP Commands: /viplasercol /vipskin /vipmenu)
-10 Capturable Areas
-2 Teams: Army And Terrorists
-Classes For Both Teams including VIP/Donor class for VIPs
-team chat
Heavy Vehicles Score Requirement
To Drive a Hydra You Will Need 1500 Score To Drive a Rhino You Will Need 300 Score To Drive a Hunter You Will Need 1000 Score
-Admin/Registration System (Same used in my other gamemodes , but GM got more admin cmds)
-Custom Ban System (Shows the Ban Date , Reason & Admin Name)
-Different Aduty System: when the Admin on Duty Gets damaged his Health will increase.
-Anti Team Attack : Slaps And gives a Message to the Attacker
-Anti Admin On Duty Mode Attack: Slaps and gives a Message to Who Attacks Admins On Duty
-Admin Panel with Basic Features (for lvl 3): restart server , admin car , admin weapons , admin jetpack...
-Anti Cmd & Chat Text Spam (if the User spam a command or the chat he'll get kicked)
-Join/Leave/Kick/Ban Info Textdraw
-4 Admin Ranks: Moderator , Administrator , Manager & Owner
-Score Textdraw: Terrorists And Army
Cmds - English
/givemoney /kill /credits /shop /vehicleguide /help /rules /language /savestats /report /admins /ranks /gmversion /anims
/dardinero /matar /creditos /armas /ayudacoches /ayuda /normas /idioma /savestats /report /admins /rangos /gmversion
/dance1 /dance2 /dance3 /dance4 /handsup /wank /arrest /Sync (to stop animations or unbug yourself
Moderator: /clearchat(/cc) /kick /warn /slap /spec(off)
Admin: /aduty /explode /getinfo /ban /get /goto /acar /giveallmoney /giveallscore
Manager: /resetaccount /setscore /setvip /ann /ann2 /music /givegun /setlevel /banip /unbanip /apanel
Owner: /cuff /uncuff /sethealth /luckyass /setkills /setdeaths
Includes Used
PHP код:
Class Selection - Army
Class Selection - Terrorists
Download Links
-Full Package: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/81450b92db/AVT_-_1.0.rar
-GM Only: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/2a2f6083d9/AVT.pwn
-MikeB For The Gamemode
-Battlezone For The Join/Kick/Leave/Ban info Textdraw
-****** for the sscanf2 include
-****** for the YSI/Y_INI include
-Incognito for the Streamer
-****** for Foreach Include