Who can help with my gpanel? i will make co-owner

As im starting to build a free samp server hosting company, i need your help , if you can really solve my problem i will make you official co-owner.

Well my problem is im so confused here:

I dunno what to type at configs there. So please help

thanks in advance

This is for how to make a samp server that you mean.

Use a PREMADE FREE control panel like GameCP?

Hello there!,

I will be introducing myself, First of all im Ivann , I have builded a hosting company, only gpanel is available, Website and Forums are underconstruction! Im offering a FREE 70 - 500 SLOTS at you! Check some features below:

* FTP (All your files are protected) Even admins cant acess it
* Start/ Restart/ Stop Server
* Upload
* Stable G-Panel

Game Servers available:
More games coming soon!

How to connect on FTP?:

Username: gpxTHENYOURUSERNAME (There must be a gpx prefix before your username
Pass: Your FTP Pass ofc.
Port: 22

Thats all and thank you

If you like this offer just reply back or PM me!

This isn't a hosting company advertising forum it is a method of offering support to people who need it. I know my mine is kinda like advertising but i dont directly say FREE this and price that sorta thing.

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