29.11.2014, 06:42
Последний раз редактировалось JonathanW; 05.12.2014 в 14:26.

I was thinking of creating a gamemode, with all Features Scripted, everything Dynamic, but then MySQL caught my attention. My main aim was to Create a Gamemode with a Multicharacter System, but it's quite impossible with Yini to do so. Thought I'd release it, and start on a MySQL Gamemode.
So Yeah, It's a Basic Gamemode. Useful for Players who need more than a 'Simple Registeration System', y'know?
v0.02 (Recommended)
- More Roleplay Commands.
- Admin Command (/freeze /unfreeze /slap) added.
- Helpers System Added. (/helpme [message]) and (/hpm [id] [message]) for helpers.
- A working Textdraw Added on connect.
- (NEW) A New Main Screen Textdraw, added.
- (NEW) More Admins Commands.
- (NEW) A Helper System. /helpme and /hpm (for helpers)
- (NEW) Roleplay Commands (/me /do), Chat is now fully IC, without the Underscore.
- A Fully Working Login Register System
- Saving Age, Gender, and Date of Register. (e.g Date: 28, Month: 11, Year: 2014)
- Custom Ban System. Saving Banned (or not), Banned By (Admin name), And Ban Reason. (CMD: /ban [id] [reason])
- Administrator System. Five Levels, Basic Commands.
- Saving 17 Variables. (Name, Password,Level,Registered,Money,AdminLevel,Age,Gen der,Skin,RegDate,RegMonth,RegYear,TimesKicked,Bann ed,BannedBy,BanReason,TimesWarned)
- A Warning System. Admins can /warn players.
- A Player Management System. Players can Change their Name, Gender, Age, and Password. (/settings)
- An interactive Moving Camera on Player Connect.
- Static, but Easy Server Settings. Everything is defined at the top, which you can edit as you wish. (Server Name, Version, Map, Website, Developer)
Main Screen Textdraws
/helpme Command
Roleplay Commands
Selecting User
Admin Help (/ahelp)
User File
Admin Status Command (/changestatus)
When Players type /admins
The Ban Command (/ban)
- Samp Team - Everything
- Me, JonathanW - Creating the Script, From scratch
- To get it to work, 'Create a Folder 'Accounts' in scriptfiles.
- If you find any Bugs, Please report them and I'll fix them in v0.2
- To add Mappings, Go To LINE 1066.
- To add 'RemoveBuildings', go to Line 1059.
Pastebin (v0.01) - http://pastebin.com/BrAESdAv
Pastebin (v0.02) - http://pastebin.com/5964UmNS
Solidfiles (PAWN, Fixed Alignment v0.02) - http://www.solidfiles.com/d/9b78ac9196/roleplay.pwn