28.11.2014, 00:56
Alguem sabe o ID desse objeto ?
Desculpe a mб qualidade, й que peguei do ****** a foto
Desculpe a mб qualidade, й que peguei do ****** a foto
Vehicles: /avmodcar - Mod a car it will teleport the vehicle to the correct mod garage if modable /avsetspawn - Set the spawn position of a vehicle /avnewcar - Create a new car /avdeletecar - Delete an unwanted car /avcarcolor - Set vehicle car color /avpaint - Set a vehicles paintjob /avattach - Attach currently selected object to currently selected vehicle /avdetach - Detach currently selected object from vehicle /avsel - Select a vehicle to edit /avexport - Export a car to filterscript /avexportall - Export all cars to filterscript /avox - /avoy - /avoz - Standard vehicle object movement commands /avrx - /avry - /avrz - Standard vehicle object rotation commands /avmirror - Mirror an object attached to a vehicle (Special note: using /editobject on an attached object will edit the object on the vehicle) |