where do i add AddStaticVehicle?

I have then AddStaticVehicle codes in savedpositions and I copied but where do I add in the gamemode?

Open the script with Pawno and add the line practically anywhere.

Add them under OnGameModeInit

Originally Posted by Lenny_Carlson
Open the script with Pawno and add the line practically anywhere.
That would give an Error. :P
If you want to spawn Vehicles with Commands, then use CreateVehicle.

Originally Posted by Lenny_Carlson
Open the script with Pawno and add the line practically anywhere.
Do not give advice like this.

You have to add them inside of a function or callback. Not just "anywhere". typically they are done in ongamemodeinit.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
Originally Posted by Lenny_Carlson
Open the script with Pawno and add the line practically anywhere.
Do not give advice like this.

You have to add them inside of a function or callback. Not just "anywhere". typically they are done in ongamemodeinit.
oh my god thanks so much it works XD.
Also please help me with this how can I add a interior to a building?

your going to have to make something like a pickup first ,
like a house icon thing
and then when they enter the house icon,
it would set their interior and position tot he interior you want.
i would use a virtual world too so they dont collide with each other ^^

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