/ban not working text

hi i have this code:
pawn Код:
CMD:ban( playerid, params[ ] )
        if( playerDB[ playerid ][ admin ] < 3 ) return K( playerid, BLUE, "Jus ne administratorius." );
            prz[ 128 ],
            name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ],
            msg[ 300 ],
            adminname[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ],
            msgs[ 400 ]
        if( sscanf( params, "uis[128]", id, laikas, prz ) ) return N( playerid, COLOR_TEAL, "Baninti ћaideją: /ban <dalis vardo arba ID> <laikas valandom> <prieћastis>" );
        if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "KitasBan" ) != 0 ) return K( playerid, COLOR_TEAL, "Prieљ kitą ban jūs turite љiek tiek palaukti" );

        if( laikas > 48 ) return K( playerid, COLOR_RED, "Negalima uћblokuoti daugiau negu 48 valandom." );
        if( id == INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) return K( playerid, COLOR_RED, "Tokio vardo nėra." );

        GetPlayerName( id, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );

        new kickinamoadmin = playerDB[ id ][ admin ] + playerDB[ id ][ superadmin ];
        new adminas = playerDB[ playerid ][ admin ] + playerDB[ playerid ][ superadmin ];
        if( kickinamoadmin > adminas ) return K( playerid, BLUE, "Љio administratoriaus lygis yra didesnis." );

        GetPlayerName( playerid, adminname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
        format( msg, sizeof( msg ), "{FFCC00}[ {CCA300}Admin praneљimas ]: {CCA300}%s {FFCC00}jus uћblokavo {CCA300}%i valandom uћ: {CCA300}%s", adminname, laikas, prz );
        SendClientMessage( id, COLOR_TEAL, msg );

        format( msgs, sizeof( msgs ), "{FFCC00}[ {CCA300}Admin praneљimas ]: {CCA300}%s {FFCC00}uћblokavo {CCA300}%s {FFCC00}serveryje {CCA300}%i {FFCC00}valandom ({CCA300}%s{FFCC00}).", adminname, name, laikas, prz );
        SendClientMessageToAll( -1, msgs );
        gettime( Hour, Minute, Second );
        getdate( Year, Month, Day );
        new valandos = Hour + laikas;
        new banlaikas = mktime( valandos, Minute, Second, Day, Month, Year );
        format( query, 128, "UPDATE `"TABLENAME"` SET `BanLaikas` = '%i' WHERE (`vardas` = '%s')", banlaikas, name );
        mysql_function_query( SQL, query, false, "", "" );
        Kick( id );
        if( playerDB[ playerid ][ superadmin ] == 0 && playerDB[ playerid ][ admin ] < 4 ) SetPVarInt( playerid, "KitasBan", 5 );
        return true;
and it's not working propably
it's baning players okay but it's not showing text for everybody

pawn Код:
format( msgs, sizeof( msgs ), "{FFCC00}[ {CCA300}Admin praneљimas ]: {CCA300}%s {FFCC00}uћblokavo {CCA300}%s {FFCC00}serveryje {CCA300}%i {FFCC00}valandom ({CCA300}%s{FFCC00}).", adminname, name, laikas, prz );
        SendClientMessageToAll( -1, msgs );
this line isint apearing to anyone after player get ban

Is the string too long? You can't display messages that are longer than 144 characters.

The person who get's banned atleast won't get it probably. It's a common bug that someone who gets kicked (using Kick()) don't get messages that are sent right before the Kick(), so for that you'll have to use a timer (also described on the wiki; https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Kick)

And why are you using an array with size 300/400.. that's really a waste of memory, since client messages can only send max. 144 characters.

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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The person who get's banned atleast won't get it probably. It's a common bug that someone who gets kicked (using Kick()) don't get messages that are sent right before the Kick(), so for that you'll have to use a timer (also described on the wiki; https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Kick)
That's not a bug, it's meant to perform faster for more security.

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