12.11.2014, 09:34
Последний раз редактировалось Pravin; 21.05.2017 в 18:00.
Call of Duty - Desert Warfare
(previously known as Call of Duty - The Ultimate)
Short promo of the script
(previously known as Call of Duty - The Ultimate)
Short promo of the script
Reason for the release
I had run this script in hosted list for 2 months along with my friends, just for fun. Server has reached a max playercount of 180. And, we had a very good average playercount. As because of studies, i had to close the server. I thought it will be temporary and i can open the server back anytime soon. But since, my exams are getting more important day by day and i'm in final year of schools. I didnt had a chance to re-open my server back. So, i'm thinking of selling it and making money atleast for the work i did in this script. But since no one was interested in buying a COD script because there are already tonnes of free COD scripts available over sa-mp forums, i decided to release this script too.
Is it MySQL based?
Yes, it's fully mysql based including the VIP status. I developed myself by improving jadmin system. I've done some major changes and added to my gamemode. No filterscripts and stuffs. Everything in one fully packed GM. The server used BlueG's R6-2 plugin.
Something you wanna know about
Yes, i do agree the fact that, some codings are poorly optimized. Well, i scripted this just for fun as i told you already, nothing was done for serious. So, ya some codings maybe poorly scripted. But when you look into the script, it is well developed with some stuffs that none of the COD server has.
I will point out some features, rest can be discovered.
I'm just pointing out some important features,
1) 5 teams and 1 solo class/team
2) Class system
3) Fully mysql based saving & admin system
4) Ban system
5) Event system like (/getteam, /givescoreteam, /freezeteam etc..)
6) Dynamic capture zone system (Add any number of zones in just 1 line)
7) Capture zones are also based on team capturing (If you capture with 2 or more people, the capture time will be reduced)
8 ) Nuclear bomb system that can be launched on bases and all the kills will be accounted to the player who launched the bomb.
9) Secsy score, rank, kills, deaths textdraws
11) Server Logs textdraw
12) and many more to be discovered.
How to setup the server?
Just download the .rar folder and run the server, the script will automatically create tables in database after you change the mysql configurations in the script. So, just download & enjoy playing
How to setup the server?
Just download the .rar folder and run the server, the script will automatically create tables in database after you change the mysql configurations in the script. So, just download & enjoy playing

Sincere thanks to Kalcor for sa-mp, Zeex for ZCMD, Jarnu for JADMIN, BlueG for MySQL plugin and all the plugin and include creators associated with this script.
This script is scripted from scratch by myself.
Maps are done by doublerad333 and DavidBilla.