DayZ mode or Hunger Games ?

so i got a finished GM witch can be DayZ and Hunger Games !
Witch one should i make ?
if i gonna make Hunger Games 1. need make maps
2. loots Easy
3. Spawn Pos Easy
4. Last man standing Easy
Why last man standing .. so only the last alive will get Some $$
and Xpe

DayZ is better, but i like the way your hunger game GM sounds

Why don't you make a multi GM?

Have both types of game modes in one server.

cuz if i try make hunger games i need set other world to players and other Score system one for DayZ one for HG u know what i mean .. but thanks for This great idea maybe i gonan try work that out but need a mapper :/

None of them. Make something else compitly unique.

unique like "Roll Dat loops "
100 maps
200 max players
1000 Pickups
and 2000 Loops with Roads
like on MTA stuntages ?

Although both of them aren't things I'd consider fresh or new. I would probably opt for the Hunger Games, due to it being less used than DayZ. Don't quote me on it though!

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