[RP] How do I remove the Spawned Vehicles?

Hello, im pretty new in PAWNO, and im not sure how do I remove the Spawned Vehicles in my server (which none owns) This is a Role Play Server...
Please assist me, if someone can help me more... add me please on skype xcrazy55.
Thank you everyone!

Simply search in your gamemode , for any vehicles statics , "addvehicles etc ... " delete them ..or make in front of them double Slash " // " in order you'll need them in futur

Hey, I can't find "addvehicles", could you tell me the exact command to find the spawned vehicles?

1- You probably meant you're pretty new to PAWN. PAWN is the language code, PAWNO is a program/compiler to compile your PAWN files (.pwn) to the working AMX files (.amx)

2- So you probably downloaded a roleplay gamemode? Please don't say it's raven or something. Don't wanna disencourage you, but if you barely know how to script in PAWN, don't even think about starting a server

3- You should read the next documentations, they are a really nice guide to PAWN. I've got some years of experience with PAWN and never read them (untill two weeks ago), and it really explains nice things. All these tutorials/documents are really usefull and/or important.

* A link to multiple guides of PAWN: http://www.compuphase.com/pawn/pawn.htm#DOWNLOAD_DOCS
* Scripting basics (from the SAMP's wiki): https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Scripting_Basics
* Scripting functions (from the same wiki): https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Category:Scripting_Functions
* Scripting callbacks (samewise): https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Category:Scripting_Callbacks
* PAWN Pre-Processor by ******: forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=166680

There are plenty more tutorials/guides, but I personally think these are the most important -but I'm sure I've missed quite alot tutorials. Still, these are important-

Thanks solved.

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